‘injustice to depositors will not be allowed’

December 5, 2023

 Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has said that the government will not do injustice to the depositors.

Inaugurating an industry established in Nawalparasi district on Tuesday, the Finance Minister said that no one can escape from repaying their loans. “This is depositors’ money. Writing off the loan is to finish the depositors’ money. Who compensates this? The depositors take the same money when they need it. The government cannot do injustice to the depositors,” the Finance Minister asserted.

He also argued that those taking huge amount of loan from the banks and financial institutions have faced difficulties in repaying the loans and added that they have spread rumours saying economy was worsening.

On the occasion, Dr Mahat said that the current psychology on general public regarding the failing economy is the result of the past government’s focus on building towers despite limited resources, massive capital flow from the central banks and some others.

Minister Mahat said that establishment of the new industries in the country would contribute to revenue collection and production as well adding that he was very much worried about revenue collection. “The country is in need of sources of income and income itself. The more we make income, the more we can invest more on infrastructure. For this, investment from the private sector should grow,” the Finance Minister mentioned.