The judicial committee at the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has received an increasing number of complaints about vacating rented apartments.
Since the prohibition order was imposed to control COVID-19 transmission, many tenants in Kathmandu, who have left for their homes or elsewhere, have not returned yet
As a result, their landlords in Kathmandu have been affected — They can neither get the payments of the rents nor they can vacate the rented rooms to others, said the KMC.
Out of the total 283 complaints related to the matter registered at the committee until July 4, 2021 (128 in the fiscal year, 2019/20 and the remaining 155 in the FY, 2020/21), 106 have been settled, said the KMC. Likewise, 147 are under consideration.
Efforts are underway to address the complaints as well, said Saroj Dhakal, member of the committee. “It takes 90 days to resolve a case. There is a delay in this regard due to the infection. We will settle remaining cases soon,” he said.
Likewise, the committee has received many cases relating to the construction of houses, roads and installation of water taps among others, he said.