At least 11 labourers were injured after a factory’s roof collapsed in the Korangi area of Pakistan’s Karachi, Pakistan-based ARY News reported.
According to police, the roof of a factory in Korangi’s P&T Colony collapsed, trapping labourers under the rubble. The police said that there were less number of people working in the two-storey factory building as it is Sunday, ARY News reported. Rescue teams reached the spot and found at least 11 workers in the rubble. The 11 workers sustained injuries in the factory building.
Earlier, a factory in Landhi’s Export Processing Zone was hit after a container collided with its walls resulting in the roof collapsing over labourers. Rescue teams including Sindh Rangers personnel arrived at the spot to secure the site of the incident, according to ARY News.
As per the news report, rescue personnel were stuck under the rubble of the roof. At least three people have been rescued from under the collapsed roof. Furthermore, efforts are being made to rescue two workers. (ANI)