Nawadrishti Women’s Rehabilitation Center in Nepalgunj has become a place of behavioral change for drug abusers. Women and girls who came to the rehabilitation center in coordination with their parents have now become trainers after their treatment for drug abuse.
“Now I feel like I’m back in real life,” said a former drug abuser. After being involved in the first, second and last treatment at the rehabilitation center, she mentioned that she understood the real life and felt that consuming drugs is wrong.
She has been in this institution for about 11 months. She said that she did not care about food while using drugs, but now that she has stopped, her health has improved.
Simran Rajbhandari, the founder of the Rehabilitation Center, said that she too got involved in drugs abuse in one way or another, and after changing her behavior, she developed the idea that she should work in this field and started the Women’s Rehabilitation Center. It has been in operation for the past five years,
Rajbhandari said that in order to change the behavior of drug users, regular exercises, meditation, respect and hospitality is taught every morning and treatment is also be given by medical doctors.
There are currently 19 women and girls from different districts in the rehabilitation center with a capacity of 25 people. Most of them are in the age group of 15 to 25 years.
This is only Women’s Rehabilitation Center in Nepalgunj. According to the organization, some 200 women and girls have returned home after treatment at the center, with 60 percent changing their behavior and leading normal lives.