The Ministry of Health of Bagmati State Government has started free diagnosis and treatment of obstetric fistula. The Ministry has collaborated with the Model Hospital in Kathmandu for this.
With the identification of this disease, the procedure related to the treatment has been prepared and submitted to the Chief Minister’s Office. Secretary at the Ministry Badri Bahadur Khadka informed that the patients have started getting free treatment and the procedure has been submitted to the Chief Minister’s Office to provide free services to the patients.
According to her, in case of prolonged pain during childbirth or in case of normal delivery, there is a hole in the bladder or rectum due to pressure. If not treated in time, the problem of persistent urination or defecation is called obstetric fistula disease.
Because of the stench of the patients with this disease, they hide in society. Expert Ramesh Adhikari informed that the state government has launched this program with the aim of bringing hidden patients to zero. As the program begins, the ministry has organized a one-day orientation program in Bharatpur today to provide information about the disease.
Dr. Ranjana Shrestha, Obstetrician and Gynecologist of the Model Hospital, gave information about the disease in an orientation program held with the health department heads and representatives of the seven municipalities in the district. Presenting a working paper on how to cure the disease, he said that the disease can be cured only through surgery. Deepak Tiwari, Durga Chapagain, and others from the Planning Branch of the Ministry of Health of Bagmati spoke on the occasion.