International Yoga Day 2023: Try these asanas to stay fit

June 21, 2023

Many people rely on yoga to stay fit and be healthy. Yoga has grown to be an essential part of many people’s life due to its well-known healing methods and several scientifically verified advantages. Yoga has many health advantages not only for our body but mind and spirit as well but due to our busy schedule sometimes it’s just not possible to take out time. Even if you don’t currently practice yoga regularly, you can incorporate easy asanas into your daily life. So, to mark the occasion of International Yoga Day, let us look at a few asanas you can try.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Of all the yoga positions, Padmasana is the most beneficial and effective one. Although it could be difficult at first, with regular practice, your hips, pelvis, and legs will become accustomed to opening up on their own. The leg muscles, circulation, digestion, and spine are all greatly benefited by this pose. Just sit down in a comfortable position. Put your left thigh on top of your right ankle. Stack your right thigh on top of your left ankle.