The labours working in the Khutiya-Dipayal fast track have not been paid for a year. A labour Prem Acharya said 125 labours were undergoing hardship as they have not been paid for a long time.
He worried why the contractors were delaying wage for long. “When complained about the non-payment for a year, they assured it soon but did not pay till date. Now, they stopped receiving phone calls as well,” he shared the plight.
The labourers further said they were waiting for nearly Rs 3.5 million in total as payment. Another worker Min Bahadur Rokkamagar informed that the labours were hesitant to continue works because of non-payment.
However, a representative from the construction company, Roshan Acharya, said they had no intention at all to not pay the workers. Nearly a million rupees would be released to one of the contractors soon so that the workers could be provided with the wage, he added.
The construction of the Khutiya-Dipayal fast track has been disrupted for some months owing to the spread of coronavirus.