Food festival begins in Damak

March 28, 2022

Preparations for the ‘Eighth Food Festival‘, which will be held from April 9 to 10 have been intensified at Damak. Bhupendra Neupane, the coordinator of the festival organizing committee, informed that the festival will be held for seven days this year as well. It is organized by the district branch of the Hotel Entrepreneurs Association every year.

He said that the festival is being organized with the objective of promoting the traditional and original food of the local Adivasi and Janajati. More than three dozen commercial food stalls of local Dhimal, Rajbanshi, Tamang, Limbu, Rai, Newari, and other ethnic food will be set up during the festival.

The festival will be held in the Pashuhat area of ​​Damak-7. 

The festival is expected to help in the promotion of tourism in and around Damak. It is expected to be attended by more than one lakh people and will generate more than Rs 2.5 million in financial transactions.