Government warns nation of flood and landslide

June 13, 2021

The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has alerted all over the possibility in the rise of floods and landslides with the onset of monsoon this year. Monsoon that began with its arrival on Friday in Nepal from province no. 1, province no. 2 and Bagmati is now active in Lumbini and Gandaki to spread across the country.

Along with active monsoon, water level is likely to rise significantly in large and medium rivers in the country while flash floods could lead to unprecedented inundation and water logging in the Tarai and Chure region. Issuing a statement on Saturday, the Department has appealed to the general public and all stakeholder agencies to observe necessary caution during the monsoon period. The Department has forecasted more than average rainfall this year in majority of the parts of Sudur Paschim, Karnali, Gandaki and Lumbini provinces, as well as in the central part of Province 1, and mid and western hilly and mountainous regions.

Likewise, the terai belt of Lumbini, Gandaki, Bagmati and western part of Province 2 will receive average rainfall and below average in the plains of Province 1 and eastern districts of Province 2. The weather forecasting division of the Department has been disseminating information through daily bulletins based on the monitoring of the weather condition and status of floods, and also sending out SMS alerts.

All those concerned have been requested to contact for any additional information in this regard in the 24 hr operational telephone number 01-4113111 (weather) and toll free number 1155 (floods).