Lamjung Jeep Accident: Three dead, six injured

December 9, 2021

At least three people have died in the Lamjung jeep accident that took place in Bhusme of Marsyangdi Rural Municipality-8. Likewise, eight people have sustained minor and major injuries in the accident according to Police Inspector Jagdish Regmi.

The jeep (GA 1 JA 6317) en route to Pishildada from Simpani-9 met with an accident today morning around 10 AM.

It was reported earlier that the students and teachers of Ganesh Secondary School in Simpani, Marsyangdi-9 were onboard. The jeep fell nearly 50 meters below the road while the driver was reversing the jeep.

Among the deceased are the teacher Kamal Rana Thapa, 38, of Badaniya VDC-8, grade 7 student Pramisha Gurung, 13, and grade 6 student Ganesh Bhandari, 12. They reportedly died on the spot.

Eight people including the driver were injured in the accident.

Among the injured, the driver and a 14-year-old student were referred to Bharatpur Hospital while six others are undergoing treatment in the district hospital.

Identities of the 8 injured have not been revealed yet. They have sustained injuries on the head, face, hands, legs, and various parts of the body. Three jeeps from school were on a field trip when one of them met with an accident.

Six injured people were rescued by locals and brought to Lamjung District Hospital by the police for further treatment