Reproductive health rights legal clinic set up

December 9, 2022

A reproductive health rights legal clinic has been set up in accordance with the Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Rights Act, 2018.

Information about this was shared in a program entitled ‘Inter-relation between Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Gender-based Violence‘ organized here on Thursday. The program was jointly organized by the Forum for Women, Law, and Development, and Ipas Nepal. Ipas is an NGO working in the area of reproductive health and justice.

The clinic has been established to provide information on reproductive health rights issues. One can acquire information on reproductive health rights and services from the clinic.

On the occasion, Under-Secretary at the Ministry of Health and Population, Roshani Devi Karki said the Ministry has kept reproductive health rights as a priority.

The contact person for the One-door Crisis Management Centre, Pratikshya Nepal said that the Centre has been launched for providing medical treatment to the victims of violence. This service is being provided by the government hospitals at 94 places in 77 districts at present.

Deputy Superintendent of Police, Tshering Kipa Lama underlined the need of including violence related to reproductive health also under gender-based violence.

Forum advocate Nabin Kumar Shrestha, and Ipas’ Madhavi Bajracharya, among other speakers, stressed taking up necessary measures for ensuring the reproductive right enshrined in the constitution.