Kathmandu Metropolitan City has formed a five-member committee to draft the monitoring procedure. A committee has been formed to make the current monitoring process simple, easy and result oriented.
A meeting of departmental heads chaired by CPN (Maoist) Deputy Chief Hari Prabha Khadgi today decided to form the committee. The members of the committee formed under the coordination of Narendra Vilas Bajracharya, Chief of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, are Dr. Shivaraj Adhikari, Basanta Acharya, Ram Bahadur Thapa and Balram Tripathi.
During the meeting, Deputy Chief Khadgi said that the aim should be to make the monitoring integrated and result-oriented through the working procedure based on the constitutional rights obtained for running the local government, responsibilities given to the municipalities by the Local Government Operation Act, service flow and decisions made by the municipal council and executive meeting.
At the meeting, Chief Administrative Officer Loknath Poudyal said that the objective of the monitoring should be clear.
Infrastructure construction, storage of daily food, vegetables and other consumer goods, prices and markets, programs conducted by non-governmental organizations, issues related to complaints and registration in the metropolis, status of implementation of decisions, health education, co-operatives are monitored in the metropolitan area.
The metropolitan has already issued Metropolitan Market Management and Monitoring Act, 2020/21. In this act issued for the clean market of local goods and services, the metropolis itself has made an arrangement to prevent improper business activities through monitoring by appointing an inspection officer. It is hoped that this will ensure the fundamental rights of consumers to access clean and quality goods and services.