Actor and Model Priyanka Karki gave birth to a baby girl on September 22. Karki shared a picture of her husband Ayushman Deshraj Joshi and herself carrying their daughter that flooded all over the social media platform after it was announced that Karki gave birth to a baby girl.
The baby was given the name "Ayanka Karki Joshi". 'Ayanka' is also the foundation the Karki-Joshi couple have established for social cause and service.
After giving birth to Ayanka, Priyanka had signed up an Instagram account for the baby which has now more than 32,100 followers and the following is on the rise. On the page, they had kept bio as ''Daddy and Mommy calls me their “Bundle of Joy”
Ayanka's Insta page being handled by her parents, has 36 posts, as of Sunday, October 17.
Ayanka has followed 11 of the Instagram profiles.