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PM Dahal: Continuity of movements to build society

2023 Mar 22, 18:29,

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has insisted on the continuity of movements for social awareness and transformation, and for the elimination of discrimination against the Dalits.

In his response to concerns raised in the course of deliberations on a resolution against untouchability and caste-based discriminations presented in today's session of the National Assembly by lawmaker Bhuwan Bahadur Sunar, the Prime Minister said continued cultural movement and campaign were needed to build an equal society for Dalits. The resolution aims to ensure social, cultural, economic and political justice for Dalits.

He took time to say that the government was committed to making efforts for the effective enforcement of laws prohibiting discrimination and bridging the legal gap to address their rights.

As he said, the government wishes to deliver something historic for the cause of Dalits. The Prime Minister said change in the mindset in bureaucracy, security mechanism and in the political leadership was needed to end discrimination and exploitation against the Dalit community and women. He was of the opinion that a campaign for economic development and prosperity would help combat caste-based offences.

Stating that some were still trying to reverse the rights of Dalits and suppressed communities, the Prime Minister urged Dalit people to continue with campaigns for social awareness and transformation. He also stressed the need of revising some laws as per the need of time, taking a progressive approach for the empowerment of Dalits.

 The resolution was passed by the session unanimously.

NA Chair Ganesh Prasad Timilsina directed the government to implement issues raised in the resolution.


society movements Social Awareness Transformation PM Dahal campaign National Assembly lawmaker Bhuwan Bahadur Sunar political justice Dalits enforcement Dalit community Leadership
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