It has been found that various people have cheated more than Rs. 22 lakhs in false promises of sending people to Dubai and Britain. The police arrested two people today for their involvement in two separate fraud crimes.
Police have arrested 37-year-old Prakash Rai of Ilam, Kathmandu Metropolitan City-29 Samakhusi, on the charge of fraud of Rs. 15 lakhs. It has come to light that Rai cheated five people of Rs 3 lakh per person by showing false promise that it would cost Rs 9 lakh per person to go to UK on seasonal visa and the company there has a salary of Rs 4 lakh.
After that, he was absconding and was arrested from Sinamangal by the police deputed from the Valley Crime Investigation Office. He has been sent to the Foreign Employment Department in Buddhanagar for further investigation and action.
On the other hand, 27-year-old Avinash Karki of Sindhupalchok Sunkosi Rural Municipality-7, Khadichaur, who lives in Tokha, Kathmandu, has been arrested today by the police on the charge of cheating by saying that he would send people to Dubai.
He absconded with Rs.750,000, saying that it would cost Rs.750,000 to go to Dubai on a working visa and he would get a monthly salary of up to Rs.100,000 there. He was also arrested from the same office by the police today from Gongabu and sent to the department for further action, according to the police head office.