Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha said all sorts of preparedness were in place to cope up with the disaster risks caused by the monsoon.
DPM Shrestha said it while inspecting the humanitarian assistance unit at cargo building of Tribhuvan International Airport today. He viewed the disaster response mechanism was better this time.
"By learning lesson from the past and the fact that our country is vulnerable to disaster, the preparation for risk minimization is made accordingly," he said, pointing out the need for building disaster resilient infrastructures.
He further informed that national disaster risk minimization and management authority under the Home Ministry was formulating plans and preparation to this end.
According to him, the help desks were set up in various 11 places of the country.
The Home Ministry shared information that the World Food Programme had been assisting in disaster risk reduction and management.
DPM Shrestha had reached the cargo building along with Home Secretary Dinesh Bhattarai.