Sudurpaschim Province Chief Minister Trilochan Bhatta today inspected the Rajpur-Kumalikot road at Dipayal Silgadhi municipality-4, Doti.
The Chief Minister made a field visit to the site after he came to know that the Rajpur-Kumalikot road construction project remained incomplete due to disputes among the locals and the already constructed segment has also got damaged at different locations.
During the meeting, he urged the people concerned not to hamper the project which is beneficial for all and he will facilitate for additional budget allocations if it is required.
On the occasion, ward chair Ashok Kumar Sob apprised the Chief Minister that budget allocated for the project remained freeze due to mutual disputes among the locals.
According to locals, they are concerned over the quality of the road which is unexpectedly narrow and lacks a drainage system. Besides, some locals are likely to lose their houses and land during the implementation of the road project.