Corona infection has started to be seen in people entering Nepal through the western border crossing Gaddachouki. Health workers in the border areas have adopted high precautions after the corona infection started to appear on the return from India.
Arrangements have been made for corona testing of suspected persons by the antigen method in the border area. According to Tarkaraj Bhatta, the head of the health desk at Gaddachouki, the border, four to five people have been infected with corona every day. The number of people who are suspected to be returning from India are being tested using the anti-jet method and the number of positive results is increasing daily.
He said that more than 22 people have been infected with the corona virus within a week. "This morning alone, the results of four people were positive during the antigen test", he said, " last Tuesday itself, the antigen results of nine people were positive."
More than 200 antigen tests are being taken daily. Arrangements have been made to send those who test positive for antigens to Mahakali Regional Hospital from the border area by ambulance. "Those who have tested positive for antigen will be sent to the hospital by ambulance free of charge", he said, "After consultation at the hospital, they will be sent to home isolation."
He said that there is no shortage of materials including kits required for corona testing. The number of people returning through the border crossing is around 4 to 500. Shivraj Sunar, head of the health office, said that after the corona infection was seen in the people returning from India, the testing process was intensified. He also added that along with spreading public awareness against Corona, the vaccination against Corona is being continued in the municipality.