Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Krishna Gopal Shrestha has directed concerned authorities to seize educational books that have been published with the country’s map that does not include the areas of Limpiyadhura and Lipulek.
After learning that some private publishing houses had published educational books that still included the old map of Nepal, Minister Shrestha directed the Curriculum Development Centre to seize such educational books.
During a meeting of the National Curriculum Development and Assessment Council under the ministry held on Wednesday, the education minister directed the Curriculum Development Centre to take stringent action against both publishers and retailers of such books.
Minister Shrestha has asked the concerned authorities to start monitoring and if they come across any such books to take help of the police and initiate action immediately against publishers and sellers.
Meanwhile, Ram Prasad Thapaliya, Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, informed that the government would take strict action against those selling new educational books that still include the old map of Nepal. He mentioned that they will soon start monitoring and take action against publishers and sellers of such books.