The first three-day National Conference on women shelters for gender based violence (GBV) survivors concluded on Tuesday with the Kathmandu Declaration.
The conference was organized by the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens, national network of home shelters and Saathi.
The Kathmandu Declaration has made the firm commitment to expand a national network as a common platform while ensuring common goals of the women shelter homes.
The conference has urged the government to accord special focus on security of women, development of shelter homes and their promotion as well as enhance services and quality of the shelter homes.
Likewise, all three layers of governments have been urged to localize this issue for deepening cooperation, ensuring access to resources, and their sustainability. The civil society and community-based organizations have also been urged for their commitment and solidarity for the same.
The declaration has called for the establishment of modern, technology-friendly and well-equipped multipurpose training centres and rehabilitation centres at the provinces and short-term residences in the districts for the GBV survivors.
The declaration would also incorporate the issues of girls and dependent children though it only states about the women.
More than 200 participants including the representatives from the government agencies, shelter home managers, GESI experts, GBV survivors, psychosocial counselors, rights activists and others participated in the conference.