Hundreds of houses and shops in Gaighat Bazaar area of Udaipur district have been inundated due to continuous rain last night. According to local traders, the market area and houses were inundated due to continuous rains, destroying all the consumer goods kept in the shops and damaging items damaging items worth more than 5 million.
According to Tilak Khadka, a shop manager of Gaighat Bazaar Asari Line area, shops and houses along with their tolls were inundated last night due to heavy rains since Friday evening. Another shop operator, Deepak Karki, said that most of the consumer goods kept in the shop were destroyed when the old bus park area of the main market area and most of the houses and shops in Pilchowk and Sangamtol were inundated.
Other locals also complained that most of the household items were damaged by the water entering the house. Ramesh BK, president of the Triyuga Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that houses and shops in the market area were inundated due to continuous heavy rains since Friday evening.
He said that the details of the damage were being collected and the exact details of the damage would be delayed due to the heavy damage. .