Home Minister Khagaraj Adhikari has directed the Nepal Police to realise its responsibilities to society and citizens with high confidence.
In his address to a programme after an inspection visit to the police headquarters today, the minister also directed the police organization to move ahead keeping the nation in the centre while facing circumstances.
The newly-appointed Home Minister also lauded the role of the Nepal Police in maintaining law and order in the society, preventing crimes, protecting the lives and properties of the civilians, and providing its service as frontline workers in the troubled times of coronavirus pandemic.
During the inspection, the minister observed the digital forensic lab, polygraph department, and data centre installed in the police headquarters and also enquired about their functions.
Home Minster Adhikari virtually directed police incharge of all seven provinces to keep law and order in a more effective and efficient manner.
On the occasion, Inspector General of Police, Shailesh Thapa pledged to implement the directives issued by the home minister. He further assured the minister of developing the Nepal Police in a more professional and energetic way.
He further said that Nepal Police was committed to facilitate coronavirus treatment, implement the prohibitory orders, control black marketeering, manage disaster risks, and place security arrangements in view of holding the mid-term elections.
(With inputs from RSS)