The district COVID-19 crisis management centre has decided to relax the lockdown imposed in Jhapa district for two weeks. The centre meeting held on Monday decided to allow the running of all sorts of shops and kiosks from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm in the district, said Chief District Officer Shravan Kumar Timsina.
However, the groceries and shops drawing crowds would be allowed from 6:00 am to 10:00 am. Public vehicles are permitted throughout the day.
The public buses and micro-buses are directed not to carry more passengers than the allocated number of seats.
The order to relax the lockdown would continue for a week. Similarly, banks and financial institutes would be run on a rotational basis. The market places and events gathering people as rallies are prohibited.
The hotels and lodges are allowed to run in 50 percent of capacity. Daily disinfection is made mandatory in hotels and lodges.
Earlier, the full-fledge lockdown was in place in the district. The entrepreneurs had been pressing the administration to lift the prohibitory order. Chairman of the District Chamber of Commerce, had even submitted a memorandum to CDO Shravan Kumar Timsina, requesting him to lift the lockdown.