A budget of Rs. 4.60 billion has been allocated for Sindhupalchok district through the federal government. Chautara Sangachokgadhi Municipality has been allocated the highest budget in Sindhupalchowk, which has 12 local level. The Bhotekoshi municipality has received Rs. 268 million while the municipality has received Rs. 656.8 million.
Similarly, Melamchi Municipality has received Rs. 625 million, while Barhabise Municipality has received Rs 377.2 million, Tripura Sundari Municipality Rs 272.4 million and Lisankhupakhar Municipality Rs 308.3 million.
Similarly, Sunkoshi Municipality has received Rs. 363.1 million, Balefi Municipality Rs. 339.5 million and Jugal Municipality Rs. 338.2 million. Similarly, Indravati Municipality has been allocated Rs 440.8 million, Panchpokhari Thangpal Municipality Rs 330 million and Helambu Village Municipality Rs 300 million.