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Sunday Jun 16, 2024

Weather to improve from tomorrow

2021 Oct 20, 12:32, kathmandu
This image shows the satellite image of Nepal. Photo: Meteorological Forecast Division

The combined influence of the low-pressure system in Bihar and around Uttar Pradesh of India and the westerly system is intact in Nepal. However, its influence has shifted towards the east from the west.

This weather system became active on October 17, causing excessive rainfall in Karnali and Sudurpaschim provinces, and heavy rain in some places of the rest of the provinces. This has resulted in the loss of life and property. Physical infrastructures have been damaged.

Meteorologist Samir Shrestha said this weather system has become weaker in Karnali and Sudurpaschim and shifted eastwards from last night. He said there is a possibility of heavy rain in Province 1, 2, Bagmati, and Gandaki provinces today.

Although the weather will start improving from Thursday, it will not be fully dry and there is still a chance of rainfall occurring at some places.

Presently the weather is fully cloudy in Province 1, 2, and Bagmati province, and generally fully cloudy in the rest of the country, the Meteorological Forecasting Division, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology said.

Light to moderate rainfall has occurred at some places of Province 1, Bagmati and Gandaki province, and at one or two places of the rest of the provinces. There is a possibility of light to moderate rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning at many places of Province 1, Bagmati and Gandaki province; and at a few places in the rest of the provinces.

Similarly, there is a chance of light to moderate snowfall at some places of the high hilly and mountainous region of the central and eastern parts, and of light snowfall in the high hilly and mountainous areas of the western part of the country.


nepal india Low-Pressure System Uttar Pradesh Bihar Karnali Sudurpaschim weather Rainfall
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