Wild elephants have been terrorizing Simle in Kamal VDC-5 of Jhapa for the past few days. Residents of the area have become panic stricken after wild elephants started coming out of the forest area of the Ratuwamai Tree Planting Project near the settlement to wreck havoc.
Ward Chairman Dambar Bahadur Niraula said that they were worried all night after the elephants started attacking the houses along with the crops. According to him, elephants have been terrorizing the settlements including Simle, Tukre and Kampa on a daily basis. The house of Krishna Prasad Rai in Simle was damaged by an elephant on Wednesday alone. The crops including paddy kept in Rai's house were eaten.
The locals have been demanding control of the elephants as the elephants have been causing destruction in the settlement every year.