Police have arrested Karishma Moktan, 30, resident of Baikuntha in Kailash-2, Makwanpur on Friday afternoon from Malangawa -7, Sarlahi. Karisma, who was riding in the Tempo, was arrested with 20.1 kilograms of marijuana. Police stationed at the temporary Police Post at a petrol pump checked the vehicle (Province 2- 001 Ha 1402). Police have also taken the tempo driver under arrest for necessary investigation.
Similarly, a similar incident has occured in Surkhet.
Police have arrested two persons from the road at Tolikhola of Bheriganga Municipality-10 in Surkhet on Saturday morning. They had, what is suspected to be, 2.61 grams of Brown Sugar in possession. Among the arrested are Laxman Pariyar, 32, of Gurbhakot Municipality-8 and Resam Wali, 30, of Gurbhakot municipality-9. The illegal substance was found when the vehicle (Bhe 1 Ja 836) heading towards Surkhet from Nepalgunj was checked by the Area Police Office, Chinchu.
Police are conducting further investigation in this regard.