Eight players who stood winners in the 13th South Asian Games (SAG) were feted in Kathmandu today. The athletic players were feted amid a function organised by Nepal Athletics Association.
Nepalese players had won eight medals including three gold medals in the SAG. Santoshi Shrestha, Gopichandra Parkiand Kiran Singh Bogati had bagged gold medals in the 13th SAG.
Santoshi had won gold medal under the category of 10 thousand metres race, Gopichandra on 5 thousand meter race and Kiran on marathon race
Similarly, Pushpa Bhandari had won a silver medal in the women marathon and Som Bahadur Kumal under 800-metre race.
Likewise, Tanka Karki had won the medal under 1,500 meters while Hari Kumar Rimal under 5,000 meters and Deepak Adhikari under 10 thousand meters race.
The gold medal-winning players were feted with 100,000 each while silver medal-winning players with Rs 35,000 and bronze medal winners with Rs 20,000.
The Athletics Association chair Rajib Bikram Shah had feted them.