Kailpal Cricket Club, Jurg has won the first Indo-Nepal T-20 cricket tournament held in Baitadi. In the final match today, Kailpal defeated the hosts Panchkoti Cricket Club A, Khadeni by 7 wickets.
Kailpal reached the meager target of 94 runs in 15.5 overs at the loss of 3 wickets. For Kailpal, Tej Chand scored 31 runs, Prakash Pandey 21 and Pradeep Chand scored 14 runs.
For Panchkoti, Bhupendra Chand and Jeetendra Rawal took one wicket each.
The Panchkoti Cricket Club A was put into bat first after losing the toss at the Buddabaje Cricket Ground, Ratamata. But the hosts were bundled out for only 93 runs in 16.1 overs.
Only Dinesh Budal (26) and Sumit Budal (19) could not reach double figures.
Kailpal, Prakash Chand, Pradeep Chand, Akash Chand, and Deepak Joshi took 2 wickets each.
Along with the title, Kailpal won Rs 40,000 in cash, a medal, a trophy, and a certificate, while Panchkoti received Rs 20,000, an award, a trophy, and a certificate.
A total of 15 teams from Nepal and India participated in the tournament hosted by Panchkoti Youth Club, Khadeni. It began on January 11.
Uttam Chand of the Panchkoti Youth Club said that the tournament was held to promote harmony among the residents of the border areas through sports while also helping develop cricket talents.