The judicial bench in Bharatpur Metropolitan City has decided four cases in eight months of the current financial year. Four of the 11 cases before the bench have been decided.
According to Krishna Prasad Sapkota, Assistant Inspector of Legal Affairs Branch of Bharatpur Metropolitan Municipality, one of the cases decided has gone to District Court Chitwan. He said that the other two were sent to court because they were out of jurisdiction. Cases according to sub-sections 1 and 2 of section 47 of the Local Government Operation Act, 2074 are brought to the judicial bench of the metropolitan city.
Among which, this bench examines the issues related to border, crop damage, road drainage, rice cultivation and house maintenance. According to Sapkota, 22 vertical complaints have been registered for reconciliation. Out of which 14 cases have been reconciled and eight are under discussion. He said that most of the cases and complaints that come to the metropolis are border-related.
Chitrasen Adhikari, Coordinator of the Judiciary Committee of Bharatpur Mahanagara, said that decisions are made in the interest of both parties within his municipality. Stating that there is a reconciliation committee in every ward office, he said that in the beginning, efforts will be made to settle the dispute in the ward and if it is not possible to reach agreement in the ward, they will come to the reconciliation committee of the metropolis.
He said that only the cases that could not be reconciled even by the reconciliation committee of the metropolis will be referred to the judicial committee. He said that the judicial committee will call the first party and the second party and discuss and decide in the interest of both parties. The official informed that the court will be sent only if the problem is not resolved even by the judicial committee.