Actor Arjun Kapoor took to Instagram on Saturday to post a picture with his ‘Ki’ Kareena Kapoor as their movie ‘Ki and Ka’ completed seven years.
Adding a twist to his caption, Arjun wrote Jab KI met KA AGAIN! @kareenakapoorkhan#7YearsOfKiAndKa.”In the frame, Kareena looked super stylish. She sported a tee and denim and her kohl-laden eyes look vibrant. Arjun was seen in his casual avatar. Fans sent love emojis on his post.
Directed by R Balki, ‘Ki and Ka’ harps upon a relevant subject, whether financial independence wields power over the domestic partnership. In the movie, Arjun was seen playing the role of a house-husband, who is happy doing no ‘job’ in the strict sense of the term. The movie received a mixed response. But the audience loved Arjun and Kareena’s sizzling on-screen chemistry.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kareena will share the screen with Tabu and Kriti Sanon in the film ‘The Crew’. The shoot of the film commenced last week.
Helmed by Rajesh Krishnan, the film is a story of three women. It is touted as a laugh-riot, set against the backdrop of the struggling airline industry. However, their destinies lead to some unwarranted situations and they get caught in a web of lies.
Arjun was recently seen in director Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s dark comedy film ‘Kuttey’ alongside actors Tabu, Radhika Madaan, and Konkona Sen Sharma.
He will be next seen in an upcoming action thriller film ‘The Ladykiller’ along with Bhumi Pednekar and an untitled romantic comedy film opposite Bhumi Pednekar and Rakul Preet Singh. (ANI)