Minister for Youth and Sports Dig Bahadur Limbu stressed the need for the youths to come forward with a campaign of promoting the country’s identity.
Attending the ‘Mister and Miss National Nepal-2023’ function hosted by Sanurbhi International Pvt Ltd in Kathmandu, Minister Limbu asserted his ministry was not only limited to sports.
“The ministry is ready to collaborate with youths in their constructive engagement”, he said, adding, “Collaboration with youth to promote their creativity would pave the way for prosperity”.
Minister Limbu noted that it required a higher level of diligence for Nepali to reach the international forum. “Efforts should be put in place consistently. Success is sure to come”, he added.
As many as 170 competitors selected through audition rounds held in Kathmandu, Itahari, Dhangahdi and Pokhara now are competing for the title. Altogether four winners, two from men’s category and two from women’s category, would be selected in the competition.
The men winners would participate in international championships, Mister Supranational and Minster International while women winners would get the opportunity to participate in Miss Supranational and Miss Global.