Love is Love: Everything you need to know about Pride Month

June 4, 2023

As the calendar turns to June, this month is marked as Pride Month, during which people of various sexual orientations march in parades to display their sexual orientation.

What is Pride Month?

Pride Month is dedicated to raising LGBTQ voices, celebrating LGBTQ culture, and advocating for LGBTQ rights. Throughout the month of June, there have been historically been parades, protests, drag performances, live theatre, and memorials and celebrations of life for members of the community who have died as a result of HIV/AIDS. It is part political activity, and half a celebration of all that the LGBTQ community has accomplished over the years, as per People, a US-based media house.

The rainbow flag, designed by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978, is regarded as a symbol of LGBTQ pride. The colors in the flag have a different meaning. The six-color flag, red signifies life, orange represents healing, yellow represents sunshine, green represents nature, blue represents peace, and purple represents spirit. Hot pink was added to the original eight-color flag to signify sex, and turquoise was inserted to represent magic/art.

There have been several modifications to the flag. In 2021, the flag was changed in connection with the Black Lives Matter protests, with black representing diversity, brown representing inclusion, and light blue and pink representing the trans pride flag.