Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that the government’s positive initiatives in favor of the people have created a fear among anti-people forces. While receiving a memorandum from a delegation of the Press Centre Nepal at his official residence in Baluwatar today, the Prime Minister stressed on the need of resisting the culture of protesting government’s ‘commendable actions’. Initiations to provide direct services to the people, to promote rights of Nepali who are abroad, to end malpractices and misconducts and steps taken during the recent India visit have contributed to building a positive atmosphere, causing panic among reactionary and regressive forces, according to him. He said, “Anti-people forces are now without any agenda and are well exposed to the people. Endeavors taken by bracing the odds have made the government further strong.” Through the memorandum, the Press Centre has drawn the government’s attention towards several issues facing the country, people and the working journalists. The Centre stressed the need of further institutionalizing the right to Press and the right to opinion and the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution, underlining the need of unity among progressive forces towards that end.