The most controversial reality show, ‘Bigg Boss OTT 2’, which is hosted by superstar Salman Khan, witnessed its first nomination for eviction which included contestants like Bebika Dhurve, Jiya Shankar, Palak Purswani, and Avinash Sachdev.
The housemates were instructed to utilize this currency for nominations, with the contestants’ individual BB currency being pooled together as the house money. Bebika, Jiya, Palak, and Avinash were nominated.
Meanwhile, Jad Hadid has been seen flirting with both Manisha and Akanksha, which has people wondering what his genuine sentiments are. In the meantime, Manisha is attempting to get his attention by dressing stylishly, walking the ramp for Jad, and requesting his preference between Akanksha and her.
During the show Jiya Shankar reveals her internal anguish in their confrontation with Palak Purswani., saying, “I felt torn between the two of you (Palak and Avinash Sachdev). You unfollowed me first, and that’s when our friendship ended.”
Palak added, “You never let me talk, Palak, and you always dominate the conversation. That’s why I let go of everything and walked away from our friendship.”
She said, “It seems so effortless for you to walk out of people’s lives without any confrontation.”
‘Bigg Boss OTT 2’ streams on JioCinema.