Minister for Health and Population Mohan Bahadur Basnet said Bir Hospital will run OPD service at 8.00 am from July 17. Stating that the timing change is expected to resolve the problem of the hospital doctors and health workers ‘ not reporting to work on time’, he said the government is committed to creating an environment conducive for doctors and health workers to work. The minister was speaking at an event organised here on Saturday on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of Vigen Nepal, a non-governmental health care provider.
The implementation of the provision for making 10 percent beds available while taking the license to run a medical college has benefited thousands of people from the target group, he said.
Arrangements will be made soon for all health institutions to provide online ticketing systems, he said. “The constitution has guaranteed healthcare as a fundamental right of the people. But this has not been implemented. Many people lack health care access. Healthcare is expensive, medicines are not easily available. Many people cannot afford to buy them. Many people are forced to return home without healthcare without money.” To become healthy, he also urged everyone to do physical exercises for at least one hour a day.
The Vigen Nepal has provided healthcare to over 12,000 patients through therapies on a daily basis, said the healthcare provider’s chairperson Prakash Shrestha. It is providing healthcare service through its 58 branches across the country with around 300 staff. The healthcare provider has around 300 staff.