Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has talked with Nepali students who are trapped in a bunker in war-torn Israel. Prime Minister Dahal, from the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, held a conversation with Bipin Subedi, a Nepali student taking refuge in a bunker in Israel to escape an attack by Hamas.
According to the Prime Minister’s personal secretary Ramesh Malla, the PM asked the Nepali students not to panic as the government would soon rescue them.
The government has been trying to rescue the Nepali students for the past three days, he said. A meeting of the Council of Ministers had been summoned today itself to discuss the matter, and the issue would also be put up in the all-party meeting, informed the PM.
On the matter, there were conversations at the foreign ministerial level and regular talks were taking place with the Embassy of Israel, he mentioned. He also asked the students to communicate the talks to other students in Israel.