In Pictures: Seto Machchhindranath Jatra

April 23, 2021

Hindu devotees and revellers took part in Seto Machchhindranath Jatra, the chariot procession of deity on Thursday.

The chariot was pulled from Kaal Bhairava in Kathmandu Durbar Square to Lagan Chowk. 

This year Nepal Scout among other volunteers have involved in working for public awareness and encouraging to adopt safety health measures while taking part in the festivity as the country is passing through the second wave of coronavirus infection.

Prayasdeep Adhikari, Rover of Nepal Scout said, “The Chariot is pulled by the members of the specific clubs. Comparing to last year, the crowd is quite well-managed as the securities have been heightened with the participation of lots of volunteers. People are also taking health safety precautions.”

The chariot pullers and revellers taking part in the Seto Machchhindranath Jatra were provided with masks and gloves, Adhikari told the NepalNews.