The Central Bureau of Investigation (CIB) of Nepal Police has arrested Arun Chaudhary, the brother of Nepali Congress MP and industrialist Binod Chaudhary, on the charge of usurping 10 acres of land. Along with him, Ajit Narayan Singh Thapa has also been arrested.
According to CIB chief Kiran Bajracharya, the then head of Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory Limited, Ajit Narayan Singh Thapa and Managing Director of Chaudhari Group Arun Chaudhary were arrested on the charge of usurping 10 ropani of land.
According to the police, both were arrested on the charge of grabbing 10 ropani land by Chaudhary’s The Chandbagh School and the connivance of Ajit Narayan Singh Thapa, then head of Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory Limited.