The high-level probe commission formed to investigate the recent cases of gold smuggling has interrogated CPN (Maoist Centre) Vice-Chairman Krishna Bahadur Mahara and proprietor of Bidh Lab Bhimkant Bhandari.
The commission inquired Mahara and Bhandari about the smuggling of 61 kilograms of gold concealed in brake shoe and nine kilograms of gold smuggled by keeping in e-cigarettes or vape, a member of the commission told RSS.
Accused Bhandari’s is considered to have ties with Dawa Tshring, the one who is in judicial custody on gold smuggling case.
As the commission is continuing its job to probe into the gold smuggling cases, different persons and accused have been recording their statements at the commission.
Kishor Jung Karki, Prem Raj Joshi and former Additional Inspector General (AIG) Sahakul Thapa are the members of the commission led by former High Court Judge Dilli Raj Acharya.