Paddy planting by the President Paudel

June 29, 2024

On the occasion of Paddy Day, a planting program was organized at Rashtrapati Bhawan Sheetal Niwas. President Ramchandra Paudel along with First Lady Sabita Paudel participated in the planting program organized by the President’s Office.

Inaugurating the planting, President Poudel said that he symbolically participated in the planting to encourage the culture of respect for the agricultural profession, labor and rice production.

“Earlier, rice was produced more than fruits and vegetables in the country. Even though it was a rich grain, only the use of rice was causing a lack of nutrients in the food. Later, when rice cultivation started to increase, rice was reduced and imported from outside”, he said, “this also caused an imbalance. That’s why now I participated in planting symbolically to encourage the culture of respect for the production of rice, agricultural profession and labor for a balanced diet”, he said.