l A controversial clip of a program played by Kantipur TV related to a famous artist has been removed following the instructions of the Press Council of Nepal.
The content of the TV’s It’s My So aired two weeks ago was involved in controversy.
The actress Jasita Gurung protested saying that the material was objectionable and untrue. After the show was on aired, the Press Council of Nepal took 24 hours to clarify about it by conducting self-monitoring.
Not being satisfied with the written answer given by the TV, the council called the presenter Osin Situla to the office for a statement.
In the presence of the council chairman Balkrishna Basnet, the TV team itself apologized for such incidents. The Press Council gave a written instruction to remove such controversial material immediately and to inform about it in media including YouTube channel.
After that, the TV has removed the offensive expressions broadcasted by linking the names of various artists to each other.
Before the Press Council, the presenter Sitaula promised that she would not do anything that would be against the code of ethics and personal insults.
As this case is under consideration in the council, it is not clear what further action will be taken.