Youth and Sports Minister Tejulal Chaudhary has said that the sports associations should work well for the development of Nepali sports.
Nepal Olympic Committee (NOC) organized a welcome program in honor of Sports Minister Chaudhary on Wednesday. In a function held at the building of NOC in Satdobato.
President of NOC Jeevanram Shrestha awarded the certificate to the newly appointed Sports Minister Chaudhary.
Sports Minister Chaudhary said that it has been 40 days since he became the minister and he is studying the sports laws and regulations of this period and he will develop Nepali sports based on them.
NOC President Shrestha pointed out that there is a need for coordination between the Ministry of Sports, National Sports Council and Nepal Olympic Committee for the development of Nepali sports. Nilendraraj Shrestha, Secretary General of NOC, said that karate has become an example that when the sports association is strong, the results will also be good.