KATHMANDU: Minister for Energy, Water Resources, and Irrigation Deepak Khadka participated in the 7th International Solar Alliance (ISA) that kicked off last Sunday in New Delhi, India.
Minister Khadka flew to the Indian capital city last Sunday leading a delegation to the four-day assembly. The Nepali delegation includes senior energy expert Prabal Adhikari, Director General at the Electricity Development Department Navin Raj Singh, and Minister Khadka’s financial advisor Amit Shrestha.
It may be noted that the International Solar Alliance was declared during the 21st session of the COP-21 held in Paris, France in 2015 during which Heads of States from 120 countries had pledged for their active participation in the alliance to promote solar energy.
Director General Singh said the participants will discuss ways and means to increase solar energy access, ensure energy security, and steer energy development during the event.
Moreover, he added that the assembly will also deliberate on empowering member countries to adopt solar energy and mobilize the finance for solar energy development.
The event seeks to mobilize more than 1,000 USD billion of investment in ISA member countries for the widespread use of solar energy by 2030. This climate fund is expected to assist Nepal in realizing its goal of reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2045.
It was shared that the assembly being held under the presidency of India and the co-presidency of France will also elect a new executive committee.