Actress Anusha Dandekar recently spent quality time with the Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan and fans cannot stop being enthusiastic! The actress posted a nostalgic shot of Javed Akhtar’s 80th birthday celebration with which she revisited the veteran actor. “My First Father In Law ever. lucky me #viruddh reunion.” Anusha Dandekar took to Instagram to post a photo depicting the time spent together during the 2005 family drama Viruddh. Family Comes First.
This reunion sparks a flood of memories for fans who recall the film’s emotional journey and the stellar performances by Anusha and Amitabh. Despite not being a commercial hit, Viruddh is remembered for its deep storytelling and the heartfelt portrayals of its cast.
It not only gives a glimpse of the bond shared since their days on Viruddh, but also sheds light on the underrated gem that is this movie, touching hearts with its power message. Here is just one perfect example of how meaningful collaborations in cinema leave lasting impressions, both on and off screen!