Action-packed love story Narasimha Avatar is the awaited comeback film for one of the most renowned actors in Nepali cinema: Rajesh Hamal. Helmed by Diwakar Bhattarai, the film will hit the theaters on Chaitra 29(April 11). The film promises to be an action-packed extravaganza-a cinematic treat for moviegoers. The project is currently scheduled with only two remaining songs to be shot before entering the finishing stages of its production.
Hamal spoke about the project at a recent event in Kathmandu and shared how much he loved the storyline of the film. “The script of Narasimha Avatar clicked on a different level,” he shared, adding, “It’s a new taste of action and romance combined.” This is a monumental comeback for Hamal, who has been a household name for decades and is still regarded as the “Maha Nayak” of Nepali cinema.
Hamal was equally thrilled to share his delight over the changing taste of Nepali audiences: “The variety (range) of film genres appreciated today is overwhelming,” he says. “From comedies like Chhakka Panja 5 to action and family dramas like 12 Gaun and Purna Bahadurko Sarangi, every type of cinema finds a place. It’s good to watch the industry progress this way in all manner and genre.
Hamal opines, the increasing attraction toward filmmaking is an indication of the potentiality that lies in it. “It’s encouraging to see so many people drawn toward film production. This enthusiasm will indeed push our industry forward,” he said.
The movie stars Rajesh Hamal along with other prominent actors like Niti Shah, Raj Katuwal, and Sanisha Bhattarai. The movie is intended to be filled with dynamic storytelling that will please long-time fans of Nepali cinema, as well as a new generation of viewers.
Narasimha Avatar has created all the hype for its release because the return of Hamal incorporates all the elements of magic for which he is well-known. His belief in the film, his positivity on the prevalent scenario of Nepali cinema, reveals that Nepali films are marching in a hopeful direction. A potpourri of action, romance, and riveting storyline, Narsingha: Avatar will definitely set new parameters to show why Rajesh Hamal still remains an icon in Nepali film history.