Actor Kangana Ranaut on Saturday said she has tested positive for the novel coronavirus and is under home quarantine.
The 34-year-old actor, whose Twitter account was permanently suspended for repeated violations of rules earlier this week, shared her diagnosis on Instagram.
“I was feeling tired and weak with a slight burning sensation in my eyes for past few days, was hoping to go to Himachal so got my test done yesterday and today the result came I am COVID positive.
“I have quarantined myself, I had no idea this virus is having a party in my body,” she wrote.
Terming COVID-19 a “small-time flu”, Ranaut said she is determined to “destroy” the virus from her body.
“Now that I know I will demolish it, people please don’t give anything any power over you, if you are scared it will scare you more, come let’s destroy this COVID -19 it is nothing but small-time flu which got too much press and now psyching few people,” she added.
On Friday, Mumbai reported 3,040 new COVID-19 cases and 71 fresh fatalities.