After ‘Genda Phool’, actor Jacqueline Fernandez has once again collaborated with rapper Badshah for his new song, ‘Paani Paani’. Released on Wednesday, ‘Paani Paani’ is sung by Badshah along with Aastha Gill. The music video of the peppy track was shot in Jaisalmer, featuring Badshah and Jacqueline. Talking about the song, Jacqueline said, “When Badshah reached out to me for ‘Paani Paani’, I instantly said yes because I was sure that this was going to be a banger of a track.” “I love my distinct looks in the song, we shot amongst a starkly stunning desert landscape and the result is a stunning music video,” she added. Badshah has also opened up on the making of ‘Paani Paani’.
“The process of making ‘Paani Paani’ and shooting it was a beautiful journey. When Aastha and I recorded the song, we knew that we had something unique in our hands and I only wanted Jacqueline to be a part of it. We shot it in the beautiful desert landscape and the video looks stunning. The sound of the song is different- we have used folk instruments, and local dance form that gives this a fresh look and feel,” he added. Badshah also took to social media to talk about his new song.
“We have worked really really hard for this. I have always made sure that I give the best to my audience and to the fans. Do something different from what I have done before and take it to the next level. It’s amazing how an idea transforms into a song. It wouldn’t have been possible without everyone working so hard towards that one single aim,” he wrote. ‘Paani Paani’ is available to watch on Saregama Music’s YouTube channel.