Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, filmmakers Rajkumar Hirani, Karan Johar, and producer Mahaveer Jain have joined hands to start a free-of-cost vaccine drive for the workers of the entertainment industry. Indian film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the news on his Twitter handle. He tweeted, “RAJKUMAR HIRANI, KARAN JOHAR, MAHAVEER JAIN INITIATE VACCINATION DRIVE… The #ChangeWithin initiative [#RajkumarHirani, #KaranJohar, #MahaveerJain] along with #ArtOfLiving and #Zerodha facilitated a free vaccination drive for members of the media and entertainment industry.
It had initiated a campaign called ‘I stand with humanity’ wherein the film fraternity along with the art of living had collaborated at the outset of the first lockdown in 2020 and had helped more than 25 lakh wage earners families with ration kits and food packets across India. Many well-known actors and filmmakers like Sanjay Dutt, Kapil Sharma, Bhumi Pednekar, Aanand L Rai, Dinesh Vijan, and Sonakshi Sinha were part of this effort. Earlier, it was reported that a COVID vaccination drive for workers of the film industry has been started at Yash Raj Films (YRF) studios, which aims to inoculate around 4000 workers in the first phase. YRF aims to vaccinate 30,000 registered members of the FWICE (Federation of Western India Cine Employees). The company has already vaccinated its employees in an earlier drive that happened in Mumbai. Besides YRF Studios, producer Sajid Nadiadwala held a vaccination drive for over 500 employees and their families of his company Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. Last week, the Producers Guild of India (PGI) also began their vaccination drive for its members and associated production crews. Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association (IMPPA) and Screenwriters Association (SWA) have also announced that they will be organising free vaccination drives for their staff members.