Actor Bill Skarsgard is in talks to star in the upcoming ‘John Wick’ film. As per The Hollywood Reporter, the fourth installment in the Lionsgate franchise will see actor Keanu Reeves return as a formerly retired hitman who finds himself stripped of the protection from a shadowy international assassins guild. Chad Stahelski is returning to helm the upcoming project from a script by Shay Hatten and Michael Finch. If finalised for the role, Skarsgard will join Reeves, Donnie Yen, and Japanese-British pop star Rina Sawayama in the fourth chapter.
The plan is to film the fourth and fifth ‘John Wick’ installments back-to-back. ‘John Wick 4’ is now scheduled for a Memorial Day weekend release on May 27, 2022, after being pushed back a year from May 21, 2021, due to the pandemic. ‘John Wick: Chapter 4’ will be produced by Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee, and Stahelski. Reeves will serve as an executive producer along with Louise Rosner. The movie will start production later this year with filming on locations in France, Germany, and Japan. The first three movies have generated over USD 579 million worldwide. Skarsgard is best known for playing Pennywise the Dancing Clown in the hit horror film ‘It’ and its 2019 follow-up. The actor will next star in ‘Naked Singularity’, co-starring John Boyega and Olivia Cooke, and period adventure thriller ‘Emperor’.